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January 24, 2013
Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting of January 24, 2012

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:15 PM at the Library with Trustees Little, Merry and Schild present and Trustee Yale present and presiding.  Trustees Buckley, Salerno and Mayor Driscoll were absent.  Ms. Tracy was present.

Approval of minutes of November 15, 2012    UNANIMOUS

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed.  Ms. Tracy reported Library circulation for the months of November and December were down somewhat from last year, but despite this Salem continues to have the highest circulation in NOBLE.   Circulation in NOBLE is down overall and Salem is pretty consistent in its percentage of total circulation.

Ms. Tracy noted there are still some slowness issues with Evergreen.  Comcast was scheduled to change the Library’s modem to help with the slowness.

Ms. Tracy also reported on the State Aid Grant. ~The Library received an initial payment of $23,912 and was certified by the Board of Library Commissioners. ~This is a partial payment and about $100 less than the first payment last year. ~The Library should receive a second payment in the spring.

Ms. Tracy reported a donation in the amount of $1500 from John Connolly of Texas was received. For many years Mr. Connolly has given a generous donation to the Library.

The vacation policy discussed at the November 15th meeting that gives new management and mid-management employees credit for years of service for similar positions in the public or private sector was brought to a vote.

MOVED: Trustee Merry            SECONDED:  Trustee Schild

VOTED: To accept the Vacation Policy for Library employees as outlined by Lisa Cammarata, director of Human Resources in the memo dated November 15, 2012.     UNANIMOUS

Ms. Tracy passed out a proposed Patron Code of Conduct and a Customer Service Policy.  She explained that most libraries have these written policies and it would be helpful to staff if there is a problem with a patron. More specific language regarding cell phone use was requested to clarify that while actual phone conversations are not allowed; other uses of cell phones are allowed in the Library. Also for clarification purposes the term “or as otherwise permitted” will be added to the section limiting the consumption of food.  

MOVED: Trustee Yale             SECONDED:  Trustee Merry

VOTED:  To accept the proposed Patron Code of Conduct to include suggestions and edits as                 discussed.     UNANIMOUS

A letter from Vincent Furfaro, President of the Greater Salem Employees Federal Credit Union was given to the Board requesting that Salem Public Library card holders and their immediate family members be allowed to be included in the Credit Union’s membership.

MOVED:  Trustee Yale            SECONDED:  Trustee Schild

VOTED:   To approve the request from the Greater Salem Employees Federal Credit Union and send a letter from the Board to the Credit Union confirming this.     UNANIMOUS

Prior to the meeting Trustee Merry had informed the Board of a new round of Massachusetts Historical Commission grant applications with a closing date of March 8, 2013.  Ms. Tracy showed the Board a copy of the grant application and its cumbersome application instructions.  Ms. Tracy reported she had approached John Goff of Historic Preservation & Design who previously worked on the Board’s successful grant application for the slate roof. Mr. Goff is available to work on the grant for a fee of $2000.   

MOVED:  Trustee Merry           SECONDED:  Trustee Little

VOTED:   To retain John Goff to work on the MPPF grant for a fee not to exceed $2000 without further notice.    UNANIMOUS
Ms. Tracy informed the Board of a leak in the roof over the Reference Room.  This roof houses the HVAC units and will need to be addressed in the near future.  She will have architect Bob Farley look into its condition.

Ms. Tracy told the Trustees the elevator inspection, recently rescheduled, was to take place on January 30, 2013.

Ms. Tracy passed out several thank you cards from various staff for the holiday gifts.  She told the Trustees just how appreciative staff are and the lasting effect the gifts have on morale.

Copies of three items in the Salem News, all praising the Library were distributed.  These included a letter to the editor from a patron about wonderful reference service, a front page article on SPL having the highest circulation in NOBLE and a follow up editorial about the overall terrific customer service of the Library staff.  All items were extremely complimentary and wonderful publicity for the Library.  Ms. Tracy also informed the Trustees that another article about the new Young Adult section was expected to be published in the Salem Gazette.

Trustee Yale brought up the possibility of directives from the Trustees regarding the management of the Trust Funds.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.